Who is in VOAD?

The Texas Panhandle VOAD (Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster) is a humanitarian association of independent voluntary organizations and individuals who may be active in all phases of disaster. It’s mission is to foster efficient, streamlined service delivery to people affected by disaster, while eliminating unnecessary duplication of efforts through cooperation in the four phases of disaster: preparation, response, recovery and mitigation. Any person or organization in the top 26 counties can be volunteer with Texas Panhandle VOAD.

Does a VOAD work under the County, State, and Federal Organizations?

The Texas Panhandle VOAD is an independent entity but works closely with local Emergency Management Officials and Local, State, and national public private agencies in order to understand the roles, responsibilities and operational plans of all involved in disaster response. The Texas Panhandle VOAD focuses on the resources of its member organizations where help is needed the most. It is important that every organization involved in disaster response understands how they fit into the big picture.

Responsibilities and operations are important to the VOAD. A Volunteer Coordinator will be identified to maintain contact between the City/County Emergency Coordinator and the VOAD during an event.

What services does a VOAD provide?

The VOAD provides a means of communication, coordination and advanced planning for disaster relief that is provided by the members in the form of food, shelter, clothing and medical assistance.

We work with the Texas Department of Emergency Management to plan, train for and implement response to an emergency in the Texas Panhandle and the VOAD is an integral part of that plan. Drills are held on a regular basis to keep ourselves in a state of readiness.

If your organization, agency, service group or church includes disaster response as part of its mission, you should be a part of the Texas Panhandle VOAD!
